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ÔÇïBy 2030, Malaysia Rail Industry will be a strong and sustainable business, capable of satisfying the demands of the national rail transportation; and a competitive global player that optimises the use of indigenous resources and technologies.

Based on the huge business opportunities, the Government is supporting the industry’s aspiration to advance the next level.

National Transport Policy 2019-2030

National Transport Policy (NTP) 2019-2030 Implementation Plan


  • NRCOE initiative was mooted by TDA through ICP in 2015 and endorsed by Malaysian ICP Executive Committee (MIEC) in 2017
  • In 2018, MIEC agreed MOT as Lead Ministry and TDA as facilitator
  • In 2019, NRCOE has been registered by MOT under NTP implementation plan

Program Charter – Registered


The Role of National Rail Center of Excellence

The Role of NCROE is to provide a centralized platform to:

  1. Implement the Human Capital Development (HCD), Rail Industry Development Program (RIDP), Testing and Certification (T&C), and Research and Technology (R&T) by remaining susataiable in general.
  2. Become the facilitator for Rail Industry Development in Malaysia.
  3. Become the Hub and the front-line interface for international and local industry players to interact and to provide professional advise on Rail Industry, leveraging on ICP.

NRCOE shall operate as an entity under auspices of Ministry of Transport to facilitate and implementing a strict governance between the government, agencies, academia and industry player.

Establishment of NRCOE under Ministry of Transport

Formation of NRCOE Steering Comittee at MOTOn 30th June 2020 the 1st Steering Committee chaired by KSU, MOT has been conducted to formalize NRCOE activities under MOT and briefed all the stakeholders, government agencies and industry players.The committee has agreed to form working committee base on NRCOE core objectives as follow;Human Capital Development (HCD) chaired by MOHRRail Industry Development Program (RIDP) chaired by MOTTesting & Certification (T&C) chaired by MITIResearch & Technology (R&T) chaired by MOSTIThe next NRCOE Steering Committee will be held on 17th December 2020 at Malaysia Railway Academy (MyRA), Batu Gajah, Perak.
1st NRCOE Steering Committee
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Implementation of NRCOE

  1. Human Capital Development (HCD)
  2. Rail Industry Development Program (RIDP)
  3. Testing & Certification (T&C)
  4. Research & Technology (R&T)

1. Human ÔÇïCapital Development (HCD)


Centralize Training Center & Ind. Lead Body For Rail Sector & Transform To Institution


  • Centralized training center Main line (MYRA) & Urban rail (PACE)ÔÇï
  • Training modules development
  • Training programs with strategic parters
  • NOSS development with JPK
  • Training fund requisition
  • Engagement with industry players on HCD requirements
  • Collaboration with international training center (NSAR,UK) & all training program will be certified by NRCOE
  • Engagement with ASEAN rail player


Engagement visit of NRCOE delegation to Malaysia Railway Academy (MyRA) , KTMB Batu Gajah, Perak to discuss on Human Capital Development program3rd September 2020, a meeting session has been conducted with Malaysian Railway Academy (MyRA) management team on the overall training needs and future collaboration plan with NRCOE.NRCOE is planning to become the Industry Lead Body (ILB) for rail sector in support the rail industry development in Malaysia.NRCOE is planning to bridge MyRA with international Training Centre and other certified accredited centre for syllabus enhancement & industrial upskilling knowledge.
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2. Rail Industry Development Program (RIDP)


Develop Local Supplier Capability In Order To Manage MRO/Systems/Component/Activities In The Future


  • Localization program engagement with suppliers to increase local contents (minimum 40%)
  • Collaboration with local & OEMs and international suppliers (TA/JV)
  • Financial assistance – Incentive for rail industry: MITI, MEDAC, MOsTI & etc.
  • ASEAN market pentration
  • Green Technology program
  • Nurturing local industry players to meet international requirements


Rail Industry Development Program (RIDP)HIP5 Catalyst Program Under SME Corp MalaysiaThe Steering Committee has qualified 8 companies to receive the financial assistance from Government.RIDP program will be managed by NRCOE team for 2 years and funding arrangement comes from SME Corp Malaysia to enhance local industry capability in rail industry.The program will be officially kick off in October 2020.
Working Visit to KTMB Depot Batu Gajah, Perak2nd September 2020, NRCOE team has conducted a working visiti to KTMB Depot facilities at Batu Gajah, Perak to access the capacity & capability of MRO level including manpower experiences.ÔÇï

3. Testing & Certification (T&C)


Develop Malaysia & ASEAN Rail Standard


  • Develop Malaysia rail standard
  • Collaboration with local/international certification bodies
  • Develop & enhance local testing facility for industry requirement
  • Benchmark with international rail standard


Testing & Certification (T&C)On 26th August 2020 a Standard Development Committee meeting has been conducted with MITI, SIRIM, JSM, TDA and APAD (Chaired by SUB, En.Wan Asyraf), to discuss on the Malaysia Standard Development way forward.The meeting members has agreed to establish the Working Committee under NSC Transportation for rail chaired by BLPD, MOT.
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Testing & Certification (T&C)On 10th September 2020, a video conference meeting with CARS, China, SIRIM, and MOT (NRCOE) team to discuss on the potential collaboration partner to develop Malaysia Railway Standard.
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4. Research & Technology (R&T)


Produce Local Rolling Stock/Systems On Local Refurbishment Program


  • Identify research area between industry & university
  • R & D & C
  • Collaboration with international university on research program
  • R&D center for re-design and refurbishment program
  • Integrated with IOT and IR 4.0


Research & Technology (R&T)Initiation of R&T Working Committee with MOSTIOn 23rd July 2020, NRCOE team was invited to MOSTI to present the NRCOE planning. The meeting was chaired by TKSU MOSTI Dr Mohd Norazman Hassan.
The meeting is also discussing on the formation of the R&T working committee. Joined together was the representative from MIGHT and MIMOS.
TKSU MOSTI Dr Mohd Norazman Hassan requested his team members to proceed with the 1st Meeting as soon as possible to strategize and plan R&T program and facilitated by NRCOE team.ÔÇï
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