Green Compliance Course

green compliance course

The “Green Compliance Course” proposed by the Malaysia Rail Development Corporation (MRDC) aims to address the country’s commitment to environmental sustainability and reduce 45% emission intensity by 2030. This course is designed to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in green activities and programs. Participants will learn about various aspects of sustainability, including green goals, fundamentals, energy, transportation, water management, waste minimization, green economy, and culture. The training program covers a range of topics such as carbon management, climate change, carbon accounting, renewable energy, and waste management. The course methodology involves lectures, case studies, and a final examination on the fifth day. The trainer brings 30 years of experience in industries related to sustainability and green practices. The course targets individuals in different roles such as top management, finance, technical teams, and business development who can benefit from understanding green initiatives and opportunities. 5-day program accommodating up to 25 participants. Involve stakeholders such as MOT and rail operators are among the participants listed for this training initiative.

Outcomes of attending the course:

  • To equip sustainability / green team with the right knowledge and skills to perform green activity / programme
  • Going green is no longer an option; all businesses especially on international trade and dealing with green organisations, low carbon or zero carbon countries require green products, green services and green organisations
  • With right knowledge and skills in green practices will help the company / organization to reduce utility bills and expenses
  • Going green will simulate innovation and good for company to explore new business opportunities
  • More and more industries have adopted climate change and environmental regulations which will make that non-compliance out of business
  • Training participants shall be able to perform following green tasks upon completion of the course:
    • Assist management to prepare sustainability or green Masterplan;
    • Assist procurement department to implement Green Procurement;
    • Assist technical team to Conserve Energy and Water usage;
    • Proposal CKM Landas – Green Compliance
    • Assist CSR team to Implement Green Community Activities; and
    • Identify Opportunities for green business and many more.


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